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Apprehension with CAMBOT

CAMBOT is back for his third release with Phuture! The last two releases he collaborated with Brio and then SubDocta but now he’s here on his own with a solo release as part of issue nine | ANXIETY. We had the pleasure of meeting him in person a month ago at Emissions Festival & we’re so glad we did, otherwise we may have not wound up with ‘Apprehension‘ – an integral part of our issue here. Scroll down to press ‘play’ and continue scrolling to read our latest interview with this emerging artist.

Interview curated by Michael of the Phuture Collective team.


Phuture CollectiveCAMBOT! It was so great getting to meet you at Emissions Festival 2017. We got to see many of our friends perform, such as SumaIndigo BeckMetapodLSV, & the list goes on. Cannot wait to see you perform there next year! How’s life been since issue eight? What’s new?!

CAMBOT: Life has been great! Just enjoying summer so far and trying to take some time for myself 🙂 Been traveling around quite a bit chilling with homies from place to place. Doing a bit of summer school which is somewhat time consuming but I shouldn’t complain about learning new things. Overall the controlled chaos is going well. 🙂


Phuture CollectiveYour recent ‘Diseased’ EP, out on Modern Illusion, is something else. You’ve taken the west coast bass feel and combined it with the murky experimental trap which is oh so close to our heart. We’re fans of your evolution, but gotta ask you something – who’s been some of the biggest inspirations towards the sound that has begun to define you?

CAMBOT: Biggest inspirations have to be:  Dr. Derg (RIP <3), L*O*J, Gangus, Milano, Potions, Suma, Charlesthefirst, Kin, Tsuruda, Aztek, Sumthin Sumthin, & Eazybaked. There’s so many killer producers it’s truly hard to choose though. <3


Phuture Collective: What kind of advice would you give to someone to develop their signature sound or to even start a track?

CAMBOT: Just keep practicing and experimenting as much as humanly possible.


Phuture Collective: What is the history / inspiration behind your artist name? How does it affect your work?

CAMBOT: I’m a type one diabetic which, in extremely short terms, basically means my pancreas no longer secretes insulin necessary to counter sugar content that foods contain. In order to not be constantly morbidly sick I have to wear an robotic insulin pump on my body 24/7. This is where Cambot comes from. It used to be a high school nickname and I felt it properly correlated to the music scene as well.


Phuture Collective:  How does where you grew up affect your work? Does it affect the concepts? The Process? The Story? What does it affect?

CAMBOT: SO many blessing regarding where I come from. Being born and raised in Truckee California near Tahoe has truly helped my growth in profound ways. Nature is ultimately powerful. The great outdoors provide a constant outlet to find creative inspiration through.


Phuture Collective:  Any shows lined up this Summer? Please say yes!

CAMBOT: I’m playing a B2B at Organic Fest with my good friend Hoven. Other than that nothing is planned as of yet.


Phuture Collective: Give us your dream lineup. Pick 5-7 artists who could potentially play at the same venue during the same night.

CAMBOT: This is such a hard one. Sumthin Sumthin, Aztek, L*O*J, Tsuruda, Hapa, Suma, LSV, Milano?… 😀


Phuture Collective: What do you aim to achieve with this track, does it have a statement? Does it tell a story? If yes, what is its statement/story?

CAMBOT: Honestly this track is a big old piece of not giving a F**k. I used samples from Spongebob as well as Ratchet and Clank and I think it properly portrays a minimalistic statement along the lines of “I have no idea what is going on but I want to express this anger/passion anyways.”


Phuture Collective: Before we take off here, what’s been going through your ears recently? Name some artists or albums that you’ve been digging!

CAMBOT: The new Tsuruda Album is amazing. Goldwater is a straight god. Verzache and Zotti make me want to constantly cry, Hoven is coming up strong right now with some really coherent ideas that make me want to keep pushing. Some really fresh sounds are coming from the man named Vorso, and Milano is zipping the universe into a black hole in a good way. L*O*J is literally always an enjoyable experience; they’re a go to artist for me. Lastly, BIG shout out to Modern Illusion as well. Very family oriented and always looking out for us artists similarly to Phuture. <3


Explore more CAMBOT here:
CAMBOT’s ‘Diseased EP’ out via Modern Illusion

Check out phuture collective here:
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