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Bet, it’s Himmel


Hello there readers! We’re so happy to present you with Himmel’s fourth release on our main page, and his tenth release on our network! Please enjoy the interview below, which was featured on issue nine | EUPHORIA.

Interview curated by Michael of the Phuture Collective team.


Phuture: Mr. Himmel – it’s been a minute since we released a track with you, outside of our last single w/ you & chromonicci. We’ve got some catching up to do so I hope you are ready for us to pick your brain. Let’s start off with what you’ve been upto this week & what you had for breakfast.

HimmelMan, just the typical week, working full time, coming home and making beats, passing out and starting over. I actually just got out of the shower so I haven’t had breakfast yet haha.


Phuture: Let’s go over ‘Distend’ for a bit. What inspirations were behind this track? How long has it been in the making?

HimmelThis track is definitely a special one for me. I think i actually started it about 4 months ago when I was dealing with some major depression. I was able to move past that and now the song is really important to me as it signifies my departure from that state of mind. For me, distend brings up feelings of love, love for my family, my friends, my life, everything that I’ve been so lucky to receive. It brings up the struggles of my past but also the joy that came with setting myself free from misery and moving towards happiness and a fulfilled life.


Phuture: If your music was an animal, what animal would it be? What about if your music was a vegetable?

HimmelAn animal…. Hmmmmmm. A sloth? Like, you just wanna chill out, lay back and listen haha. Vegetable would be a tomato because it’s actually a fruit and I’m weird like that.


Phuture: We’re guessing you have to have some type of keyboard judging by the way your melodies touch our ears & the way your bass fills our soul. What’s your setup like?!

HimmelHaha yes i do but I’m kinda ass at playing, I do a lot of my melodies on the computer keyboard or write them in. But i have a 61 key novation midi keyboard that I’m trying to get better at using.


Phuture: How much time do you spend a week on music? What would your life be without it?

HimmelMan, it really varies. Maybe like 40 hours? Depends on how motivated I’m feeling and how busy I am with work or family. My life wouldn’t be anything without music, I’m not sure if i would be here right now. I’ve been playing music since i was 6 and I don’t think I would be able to imagine what it would be like without it because i wouldn’t even be me.


Phuture: Where do you see yourself 3 years from now? What goals do you have for next year, to get you closer to that place?

HimmelHopefully touring and doing this full time, I’ll be finished with college and it will give me a lot more free time.


Phuture: We’re getting close to the end here so we’ll finish this up. Appreciate your time & answers so far!

If people from 200 years ago heard your music today, what would they think? What would they be most surprised about & what would freak them out the most?

HimmelThey would be freaked out by all of it probably, maybe they would be intrigued by the weird sounds but be pretty confused. If I showed them what I was doing in my last band though they would probably perform an exorcism though so in comparison probably a pretty chill reaction lol.


Phuture: Give us 3-5 artists who deserve more recognition.

HimmelCallahan, Max fry, B-Dom, Midnght


Check out more of Himmel  here:

Check out Phuture Collective here:

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