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Breathe with ZenAware


Pictured above : ZenAware


Phuture : Lord ZenAware – do you know what # release this is for you on our platform? I’d say take a wild guess but I don’t even know if you’d believe it. NUMBER 10!!! It all started with you sliding in our DMs and the rest was history. We’re so glad we met <3. Since we’ve already been through several interviews it’s time to broaden the horizon with some juicy new questions – but first, what did you have for lunch?

ZenAware : I had some Maté and a simple sandwich however I can’t really recall what I put on it. However I wish I had eaten curry for lunch because that sounds incredible right about now. 


Phuture : Tell us about ‘Breathe’. What were you going through at the time of making this? What do you want the listener to feel with this piece?

ZenAware : I was super anxious, and dealing with some people problems. I kinda just sat down and started working on this idea that turned into something that resembled a song and I just rolled with it. I want the listener to just absorb this as something that reminds them to just take a second and breathe. People really underestimate how important breathing deeply is. 


Phuture : So – you are an LA-Man now. What’s it like moving from a rather small town to one of the biggest cities for US, alongside one of the top hubs for music?

Also – how’s the food 😉 ?

ZenAware : God, it’s a huge change. My first time really dealing with traffic. In my hometown it takes about 26 minutes to go 20 miles via the freeway and in LA the same distance can take up to two hours some times. However, LA has been the best decision I’ve made because I’ve been able to meet tons of people that do exactly what I do and have been doing it for a long time. I really feel at home. The food, endless, incredible, and not as badly priced as I was thinking. 


Phuture : What’s an influence that goes into your music that other people would be surprised about ? (doesn’t have to be music related!)

ZenAware : Hmm… I think the most interesting piece of inspiration that fuels my music is that I channel opposite emotions in to my music. So a song about heartbreak would be written in a state of me being entirely happy and content and vice versa. 


Phuture : 2019 was quite nice – but not nearly as heated as 2018 was with all of the label releases. You had a giant TheSoundYouNeed premiere & high quality self releases but something tells us 2019 was quiet for a reason… as if something more magical than ever is cooking. What’s in store for 2020 fam :)?

ZenAware : Let’s just say that 2020 has a release schedule already lined up, lots of features, a revamped live setup, and I heard through the grapevine a full length album!?!? 


Phuture : What’s a memory you will never forget?

ZenAware : I saw Odesza live back in August and I was just standing in the crowd crying my eyes out because of how incredible their stage setup and music was. 


Phuture : You digging LA for the foreseeable future or is there somewhere else you see yourself calling ‘home’ sometime soon?

ZenAware : Loving LA for right now, however i think when I’m in a position financially I want to purchase a house in the woods and just spend my days surrounded by nature making new music. 


Phuture : 10 tracks later and we’re finally asking this – how did you get your name and/or what does it mean ?

ZenAware : Ah. So basically. I was super young like (14) and I decided to create an alias. ZenAware is simply a combination of two words that described how I was feeling in that exact moment.
Phuture : A lot of your music makes me feel light, uplifted and at peace, do you feel the same from your own music? Is there a reason you channel such feelings? (Mr.L)

ZenAware : I struggle with depression at times and I just want to make stuff that will put a smile on someone’s face. I want to make the world happier one song at a time.

ZenAware : Andrew Yang, Blackbear, Phuture, All of my friends, and of course Flume.


Check out more of ZenAware here:


Check out Phuture Collective here:


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