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Surrounding Pacific Patterns

We warmly present you with Pacific Patterns & his second release on phuture collective. If you haven’t had the opportunity to get to know this northwest bas(s)ed musician – there is no better TIME than Now.

Interview curated by Michael, founder of phuture collective.

Begin Interview:

phuture: You seemingly are always evolving. Almost two years ago, we first saw you at a DIVERSA show at the Rose Bar, alongside Intellitard and Humpfree LowGart. You went from opening to headlining, as well as residencies in several of Portland’s hottest venues! How has the journey been so far?
Pacific Patterns: The journey has been a learning experience. Sometimes rewarding when I learn new things and meet new people. Sometimes disappointed by myself and others. Always overwhelming.
phuture: What’s next? Are you putting focus on any tours, albums, festival circuits?
Pacific Patterns: I’m currently finishing my debut ep. I’ve scrapped it and started over about 3 times now. It’s a good feeling to create something I’m really proud of that’s larger than just one song. I’ve been compiling a long list of festivals and intend on playing as many as possible next summer.
phuture: Speaking of festival circuits – tell us about the Summer of 2016. What The Festival??! That must have been lit!
Pacific Patterns: What the festival wasn’t the best weekend of my summer but the best weekend of my life. I had the opportunity to support a lot of my close friends who I made from music. Got to meet a lot of icons, some briefly, some I got some quality time. Josh Pan being one of my favorite human beings I’ve met to date. As well as the opportunity to share my music with the largest crowd to date. Not only did I spot tons of friends in the front row, I had a slew of friends back stage cheering for me. Gangsigns was on stage side of the fence looking at the crowd. And SPF 666 picked me up when I was done playing and made everyone back stage slap my butt. This weekend was a taste of the good life and I’ve never been more motivated to work harder in my entire life.
phuture: When you are dry on inspiration, how to you get re-hydrated?
Pacific Patterns: I’m going to share a huge secret that I’ve learned through trial and error. Being inspired doesn’t just happen. I’ve found if I sit down and force myself to write music it sucks for the first thirty minutes and I’m questioning if all of this is worth it because it sounds horrible and then my brain switches gears and the ideas come to me one after another. So if you’re feeling uninspired get off your ass and do what you want to do.
phuture: Give the producers out there a trip or trick that they can take back to their production.
Pacific Patterns: Make your default audio/midi tracks populate with the effects you use the most already on there but turns “OFF” so it doesn’t use any cpu and you have all of your favorite toys right there ready to go. It helps me come up with ideas really fast.
phuture: Your sound is becoming even more organic alongside textures that we hear in no other music. Any clues as to how?
Pacific Patterns: Field recordings, automating delay and reverb. Stretching and warping samples and re sampling them. Making custom wave tables in serum, resampling them, then put it back into serum.
phuture: Where do you want to be 3 years from now?
Pacific Patterns: Making beats on ableton.
phuture: Give us the world a few artists to discover that deserve more recognition

Pacific Patterns: West1ne, stonewall klaxon, eastghost, whereisalex, blap deli, tawrence, champagne drip, tibe, sumthin sumthin, aztek, Joe Petersen.

Check out more Pacific Patterns here :
Soundcloud: here
Twitter: here
Facebook: here
Instagram: here

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