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in case you didn’t already know TriLLwAx

meet TriLLwAx and his favorite piece. Having been with us since the very beginning, we’ve grown incredibly fond of him as we’ve bared witness to the progressive development within his sound.

We had the chance to interview TriLLwAx yet again (how he still has the patience is beyond me) and you can check that out below as you become acquainted with his latest submission, High Grade.

Read our latest interview with TriLLwAx:

Question: What are you listening to right now?

Answer: Space Cowboys The Originalz


Question: Summing up 2015, in a musical nutshell what did music do for you and where did it take you?

Answer: This year music spread my mind like a piece of saran wrap. It opened many inspirational paths as I discovered hundreds of new artists and also closed many paths bringing awareness to all those shitty vibes I deliberately rebel against. With many ups and downs, this year initiated me to a new level of understanding the modern electronic music scene as well as to a new level of understanding music production, how it works, and helped me zone in and meditate on the style of music I intend to create along with the type of life I’m creating.

Question: Let us step in your shoes for a day. What’s for breakfast, whats your daily routine, and when is music involved?

Answer: I wake up, free write couple of pages to use that right brain as consciously as possible while its still active, do a round of yoga/meditate, take a shower, smoothie, go to work, make music for the rest of the night or see some friends. Any chance I have I’m reading, watching or learning about something musical or philosophical. I get the most done on track when I have a three to four hour window and I’ll jus zone out and produce in those time frames.

Question: You are given the chance to immediately cross ANY item off your bucket list. What do you choose?

Answer: Make a perfect, flawless, finished EP and play the release on tour at my favorite gatherings/festivals round the world, it’s not an immediate thing but it’s at the top of the list for sure.
Question: Any projects coming up that we should know of?

Answer: Ancient Mermaids-Moondust remix, Demz One TIMEDRWN remix, a track for a Rauthentic X Phuture collective cypher, Profresher remix, bunch of unreleased singles and am working with some local underground rap artists and drummers on some experimental glitch-hop tracks/ hip hop instrumentals.

Question: What are your goals, musically, for 2016?

Answer: Confidently improve my workflow and self-promotion, open for some inspirational artists, play some epic shows at epic venues, and make tracks so good u feel like u jus got baptized by a super-sayan djedi alien guru gangsta.


Question: If you could transform into any creature, what creature would you chose and why?

Answer: An eagle, so I could see the world and fly to the mountain tops.


Question: How does KUSH have an impact in your daily life? What about your music?

Answer: Pshhhh how doesn’t it have an impact on my daily life, it affects the way I think, act speak, breathe, taste, hear, feel. Musically it inspires creatively chill techniques but can definitely interfere with workflow and organization at times. Jus like in daily life. It makes me feel at home but I jus have to make sure I don get too cozy.


Let’s flip the tables. You ask us a question and we’ll premiere the answer when your track gets posted. Go!

Question for phuture (artist) : What intentions are at the roots of this collective? What seeded this sonic journey?

Answer: The same intent that drives anyone to push their limits – I don’t know if it’s alien or ineffably human but our passion for music is what instigated this journey and what has kept the faith even if all the odds are stacked against us.


Question: When was the moment you decided that producing was right for you?

Answer: The moment I heard my friends first track and realized that this wasn’t only possible but something I deeply desired to express myself through. Listening to others music is amazing but after a while I saw friends getting their hands in the mix from scratch and believed I had the power to manifest these iLL beats I continuously kept imagining in my head.


Question: Name five artists for the listeners and readers to check out after they’ve heard this track.

Answer: S∆LO. , Ray-Z, Fractalstein, Patchwork, TSRX


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