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is it samwise to go digging in the candy casket?

Just a ‘Spoonful’ of Spacey sugar, thanks to this collab by samwise and Candy Casket. Check out a link to the track below while you peruse the interview we had with them.
Pictured above is Candy Casket, if you want to see what samwise looks like, check out one of his other interviews here:
Listen to their track ‘spoonful’ here:

 Enjoy the interview below!
 phuture: Hello Samwise, Candy Casket! It’s been a pleasure having you on Issue 6. Why don’t you introduce yourself to those of us that are just tuning in and telling what you’re all about in your own words.
samwise: I’m samwise. I make music. I’m just trying to help people get through their days with a little music and change the world a bit in my own way possibly!
Candy Casket: Hello, I make experimental electro-acoustic space jazz under the moniker Candy Casket, my goal is to relate, without the use of language but with the use and manipulation of noises and the feelings people associate with those noises.
 phuture: Let’s talk about “Spoonful” for a moment. This track seems ready for festivals as well as those really intimate sets with fifty chill people; can you tell us about the process that went into making this wildly dancable track?
samwise: Candy Casket and I have been creating and writing back and forth in Splice for awhile now, which helps us to share project files more easily, thus combining our workflows in Ableton. Besides that, I feel that the utter chemistry between Candy and I made this track possible.
Candy Casket: Lots of weed.. honestly, I got really high and kept adding weird synth riffs until it became a disorienting masterpiece.
 phuture: While we’re figuratively in your studio, what are some habit/rituals that either of you must do in order to get into the right headspace for productivity?
samwise: Dabs.
Candy Casket: Usually I’ll just wake up, make some coffee, think about how we are living in the end times, prophesied by the book of revelation, and then once I finally get over myself, I open up Ableton and make some dope shit.
 phuture: Tell us about the moment that you said, “holy shit, I need to make music!”
samwise: I believe it was wayyyy back when I first heard Nirvana. The emotion evoked by their music really made me want to express myself creatively through sound.
Candy Casket: I never really had a moment like that per se, it started out as something I would do for fun, after a while it became something I did to escape, it’s become sort-of therapeutic? Is that corny?
 phuture:  Looking back, how do you feel about your progression as an artist? what’s stayed consistent and what has been progressively changing over time?
samwise: What’s stayed consistent is my pure creative approach to the music. I never go in with an idea, nor is my skill mostly technical based – it’s mainly what I think sounds cool to my ear. What’s changing over time is my overall knowledge of the program and music overall in general.
Candy Casket: One of the only things that hasn’t changed much for me since I started writing songs is my experimentation. Adversely, my music has shifted in tone since the beginning. I feel like I have matured from making songs that I thought other people would like, to making music that I would listen to.
 phuture: Name 5 artists that you feel aren’t getting the love you believe they deserve.
samwise: Halpe, Herzeloyde, Lege Kale, Tek.Lun, and Verzache.
Candy Casket: bulldog eyes, katie dey, foxes in fiction, no puls, ohsun.
 phuture: Tell us about the strangest experience you’ve ever had that involved music.
samwise: Seeing my cousin (King Tuff) play live on Conan AND Colbert.
Candy Casket: All of my experiences with music are strange, it’s so weird that I can relate to a stranger I’ve never met and some sounds they made to express themselves better than I can relate to a lot of my family and friends.
 phuture: What do you feel needs to be addressed and/or changed about the music industry?
samwise: A good amount of things!
Candy Casket:  I think the entire music industry needs to be revamped.. too many old dudes trying to make some money off of talented young people. Music should be free.
 phuture: What items are on your musical bucket list? e.g. some say they must play at Sonar festival or some say they need to work with Carmack on a collab. What needs to happen for you?
samwise:  I’d say to do a tour oversees. Bringing vibes across the world sounds like a beautiful opportunity.
Candy Casket: The only thing on my musical bucket list is to finish an album I’m happy with, if I can do that before I die, I’m good.
 phuture: What can we look forward to next from both Samwise & Candy Casket?
samwise: Something extra special coming soon through a nice little platform called Phuture 😉
Candy Casket:  I’m going to become my generations Bob Ross.

Interview conducted by Erik N/Bandapears, who you can check out here


Check out Candy Casket here:



Check out samwise here:



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