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get to know kraznov

Today you get to meet KRAZNOV  out of Brisbane, Australia. This is their first submission to phuture and we welcome them aboard warmly.

We stumbled upon KRAZNOV after hearing their Geotheory remix of ‘Geotheory & Chill‘. We had to nudge them to see if they had something to contribute to our KUSH themed issue five here. They did not disappoint! To check out his track ‘NYC Diesel‘ keep scrolling! You’ll find an interview below which we hope you enjoy.

Interview with KRAZNOV:

Question: What are you listening to right now?

Answer: Right now; montell2099’s new joint “Possible”. Jazz Cartier’s new album has been on heavy rotation too.


Question: Summing up 2015, in a musical nutshell what did music do for you and where did it take you?

Answer: 2015 was a big learning experience. I made a lot of new friends within the industry and a better understanding of how it actually works. I feel like I now have the networks and resources to take off the training wheels and really make this year count.


Question: Let us step in your shoes for a day. What’s for breakfast, whats your daily routine, and when is music involved?

Answer: Wake up around 10, Check social media, emails whilst skimming through soundcloud, see what the homies are doing. If I’m just chillin’ that day I might go for a quick run or workout then get home onto ableton for a few hours, procrastinate online, go get a feed, smoke a few, back to ableton, watch some shit, go to bed, do it all again.


Question: You are given the chance to immediately cross ANY item off your bucket list. What do you choose?

Answer: Damn that’s hard, maybe smoke with snoop or become a billionaire haha


Question: Any projects coming up that we should know of?

Answer: My EP! which is still currently untitled but almost finished. You will definitely see it before this months end.


Question: What are your goals, musically, for 2016?

Answer: Establish myself as a regularly touring artist on the east coast of Australia. Release 2 eps. Put together a solid live set. Play heaps of gigs. Collab w/ a bunch of singers/rappers and just have fun with it.


Question: If you could transform into any creature, what creature would you chose and why?

Answer: Creatures that actually exist? I’d definitely have to say wedgetail eagle for the obvious reasons of flying and they just look hella boss.


Question: How does KUSH have an impact in your daily life? What about your music?

Answer: #SMOKEWEEDEVERYDAY But in all seriousness I like to medicate in the evenings to relax and get in the zone. I find it helps me focus intently on whatever I’m doing and kicks up the creativity a few notches.


Let’s flip the tables. You ask us a question and we’ll premiere the answer when your track gets posted. Go!

Question for phuture  (artist) : Where do you guys see yourself/plan to be by the end of this year?

Answer: by the end of the year – 10k followers. off soundcloud in the form of our own website with our tracks. our tracks will also be on streaming platforms and our real life presence will be more prominent. We want to do more shows, streams, & events. We also want our platform built and accessible to all. Thanks for this question!


Question: When was the moment you decided that producing was right for you?

Answer: The first time I shocked myself, like damn did I really just make that shit? but i really just love making music so whether or not it was, I was gonna make it right for me. The world would be a better place if people just did what they love.


Question: Name five artists for the listeners and readers to check out after they’ve heard this track.


  1. My boi “Night Palms” seriously underrated. Has vibes for days.

  2. “kev” has absolutely been killin’ lately, every track is amazing.

  1. “Movibez” another ridiculously underrated dude. Check out his soundcloud and get ready to fall in love.

  2. Recently came across this dude called “Conrad”, sortof less bassy swindail/samgelaitry vibes. Perc game 100.

  3. And last but not least imma recommend some local hiphop. My homie “GALLU$” has the most insane live show you will ever witness. Mic cords around the neck, booze and sweat flying everywhere, it is legitimately crazy. The dude will be huge.


Check out KRAZNOV here:

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