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meet : samwise

What are you doing at this very moment [besides this interview]?

Making music! Just uploaded some new stuff to SoundCloud as well 😉

What part of the world are you from and what’s the music scene like there?

I’m originally from a small town called Flemington in New Jersey. The music scene is ass there, so I moved to Jersey City, which is a dope place! So close to the city as well, where I’ve found a lot of talented dudes to collab with and the scene is just all around beautiful out here!

Apples or Oranges?

Oranges <3

What DAW do you use? Favorite plugins?

I Used to use Reason, but just switched over to Ableton. MASSIVE!!!

Why do you produce and what keeps you going?

I produce because I love to. Plain and simple. I think it’s been my calling since a young age, and I love sharing my creativity with the world as it does with me! What keeps me going is hearing what other artists have to offer and being competitive in that respect. I always want to go where someone else hasn’t.

Where would you go if you were given an all-expenses-paid trip to anywhere in the world?

Ahhh, I would love to check out Australia. Not only is it beautiful, but there’s so much dope music out there!

Thoughts on the law of attraction?

Just learning about it now, I think it is extremely interesting. I focus a lot on the energy I bring to the world (one way is through music), and how I can contribute in a positive way. For a while, I was a negative person, which brought on a lot of negative experiences, but now that I am focused on positivity, there seems to be better things in the present.

What’s helping the music industry and what is hurting it?

What’s helping is streaming sites like SoundCloud and ToneDen What’s hurting is the big corporations trying to obtain them!

Who are some up and coming producers that we should check out?

Some new guys I’ve met like Closet Shaman and Mystical Panda in NYC are really dope. Keep on the lookout!

What four songs have been the most influential to where you’ve gotten to today?

I would say Flying Lotus – Coronus the Terminator, Mr Carmack – ID, Weird Inside – No More Heroes, and Sam Gellaitry – Reflectionz

What is in store for us to look forward to? An album perhaps?

I hope to release an EP this year and an album not too long thereafter! (Hip Hop mixtape on the way)

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