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Vibey Desert Spotlight : Jordan Hill

Next up on our Spotlight Series for Vibey Desert is Jordan Hill!

Interview curated by Zidakara



Phuture: Jordan Hill!! Previously no puls and now Jordan Hill! We are stoked for your new journey. We love your lyrical stuff, especially “Long Time Coming.” The new album is sounding nice!!

Let’s get started – what did you have for dinner last night?

jordan hill : thank you, appreciate that, it’s been a long time coming… I had some fire southern comfort food


Phuture: Your new project for Jordan Hill is super dope… What called for the change in artistry? What was going through your mind to switch it up?

jordan hill. : thank you, i’m glad everyone is taking to it so well. I wasn’t sure coming out the gate what people would say but the feedback has been unreal. no puls has been a journey of its own. I got to a point where the scene was sounding and feeling very saturated and I didn’t really want anything to do with it anymore. I was bored with bass music and bored with music in general. 

I have been rapping and freestyling for fun my entire life but never took it seriously. Every beat I have ever released I was rapping on it as I made it for fun. But I never had the confidence to fully send it and record it. If I did I would never show it to anyone. I also felt like I didn’t have anything to talk about. After 10 years of experience I found something to talk about, a lot of things actually. Writing has always been a release for me and I’m really happy to finally be able to have the confidence to do what I love without worrying about what people think about me. Jordan Hill (which is my real name) is the next step in the evolution of my creative journey.


Phuture: iPhone or Android? Full body movement or head nod? Eminem or Drake? Panini or sub sandwich?

jordan hill. : iPhone, full body or gtfo, and they are tied for me, both are legends in their own lanes. Loaded subs bby.


Phuture: What can we expect from your set at vibey?

jordan hill. : an experience you won’t forget. Playing most of the album and a lot of unreleased material (:


Phuture: What did you miss most about the festival scene?

jordan hill. : the community, the people are everything, without y’all there wouldn’t be a festival, also time isn’t real during festivals… It’s all one moment.. like life.. we just forget.


Phuture: Any singles, projects, or other shows coming up for you this Summer?

jordan hill. : Starting July I’ll be releasing a song a week/every two weeks until I build hype for the next album. I have over 60 demos sitting right now. Making new ones everyday. 

Music video for ‘Alpha’ JUST dropped which you can check out here – 

Hopefully get the attention of other festivals and start to work my way up to headlining all of them. Because that’s where we are headed (:


Phuture: If you had 15 minutes to spend with one of the following: who would it be, why them, and what would you do? Options are: Dababy, Skepta, southside of 808 mafia, Thom Yorke of Radiohead, or Joe Rogan

jordan hill. : joe fersure. I want to take mushrooms with him and use his float tank


Phuture: Would you rather play a set with no headphones or play a set with no monitors?

jordan hill. : I’ve played a couple sets last minute without headphones so I’d do that again. Don’t need them if you know your tunes. No monitors sounds like a no go.


Phuture: Is there anyone at the festival that you haven’t seen in years or haven’t met in person yet that you are excited to meet?

jordan hill. : I haven’t seen my dude noer the boy in a hot minute. He was one of the original courteous family members and is a really good dude. Stoked to catch up with him and have some laughs. Stoked to see everyone and meet all the new faces!


Phuture: Anything else you want to mention before we see you on the festival grounds??!

jordan hill. : just promise you’ll go hard during my sets and I’ll be happy. Stoked to see everyone out there together again.



Dive deeper into Vibey Desert below!

Check the links below to purchase tickets, and be on the lookout for a few spotlight interviews we’ll be doing with various artists playing this year’s Vibey Desert!
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Discover more Jordan Hill

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