We introduce you to SubDocta who came together with CAMBOT. You should remember CAMBOT from issue five | TIME – if you don’t then don’t worry, we’ve got you covered in the links below. But for Now – we hope you enjoy the murky, dark and twisted sounds that these two bass musicians created under the theme of ‘HEARTBREAK‘. Don’t forget to keep scrolling down to find our exclusive interview with these two as you press play to hear ‘She Gone’.
Interview curated by Soba & Floret Loret & Michael of phuture.
phuture: Welcome SubDocta! It’s so glad to have you on board for HEARTBREAK </3. Give the world a breakdown of who you are. (years producing, how you met cambot, location, etc,)
SubDocta: Wrong place at the wrong time. I think for most true artists of any form, you don’t really “get into it.” You are drawn to it and eventually have to create to try and satisfy that urge.
SubDocta: Not so much spiritual, but being in the local punk rock scene as a teen really helped define who and how I wanted to be as an adult. Still figuring it all out, but those morals made an impact.
phuture: What are some of your favorite soundcloud labels (besides phuture :p ) ?
CAMBOT:Big fan of Don’t Die at Work, Lost Dogs, and the biggest of ups to Modern Illusion <3 (also be on the lookout for WODA *Wander on, Destiny Awaits*)
SubDocta: My good friends over at ShadowTrix Music out of LA!
phuture: Have you ever used any psychedelic or mind altering substances, either to influence your sound, or otherwise? What are your thoughts on psychedelics?
CAMBOT:Everything in moderation… including moderation. It’s easy to get lost in the rabbit hole. There’s a very fine line regarding psychedelics but in the right environment, they can be beneficial. Be sure to be good to your mind and body regularly.
SubDocta: Yes, not to influence my sound at all though. I probably wouldnt enjoy most of my music in that state of mind as it tends to be a bit aggressive lol. I think they’re great, in moderation. Seems like a lot of people these days (especially at fests) forget that, hence the birth of the wook.
phuture: Give us some shoutouts of artists who deserve more recognition.
CAMBOT:CharlestheFirst, Hoven, Brio.., Outlit, Vide, Redublic, and all the local players that Docta said 🙂
SubDocta: Man, we have so many talented producers in this Reno/Tahoe area. Benjah Ninjah, Kowta, Hullabaloo, Milano, JARS, BLUE LOUIE, Muppet Punk are just a few off the top of my head.