Mosaic w/ FLY & No Doz


pictured on top: FLY  | pictured on bottom: no doz

Interview curated by our founder Michael.


Phuture:  The time has come for us to welcome back FLY after only a few months! He brought a friend with that we’ve been talking to for a couple years now, and he goes by ‘no doz’ who surely you are familiar with. Let’s start things off boys with what you each had for dinner… or since we got a kiwi with us, what you just had for breakfast 😉

FLY: Empanadas and ironically a kiwi flavored Habit Drink

no doz: weetbix and steak


: Where y’all from? What do you do for money? What is your bedroom or studio setup like?

FLY: Originally from Boston, living in LA now. Freelance audio engineering for work + part time for a software company, built a treated mastering studio last year in downtown.

no doz: 21 year old bedroom producer, with a part time job in Palmerston North, NZ


: Tell us what ‘mosaic’ is all about. What’s the story or meaning behind it?

FLY: It was an experiment for Noah and I to go outside of our normal soundscapes and try something different.

no doz: Naseem and I met through some like minded people and made this track a while ago and decided to do something different


Phuture: How did you two enjoy working together? What did the other person bring to the table that benefited you? What was difficult?

FLY: Always love working/catching up with Noah. We’ve known each other for a while and he recently came to California which was great, he’ll be back soon enough too. Nothin difficult about working with no doz, he comes through every time ask the bois.

no doz: Naseem is the homie, he doing some real big things right now so glad to contribute to that!


Phuture: Let’s take a look back over 2018. What were some of your most notable come ups?

FLY: Working with musicians & creatives of different genres/cultural backgrounds gave me crazy insight into my own project.

no doz: Meeting a lot of people from America who enjoyed my music just sorta made me wanna pursue this deeper and express myself


Phuture: If your music was a breakfast – what would it be?

FLY: Some Za’atar add a lil olive oil throw it in the oven

no doz:A few mimosa’s


Phuture: What’s one thing you would say to the whole world if you had 5 minutes to share something with them?

FLY: wow we gettin real. Prolly somethin about our current climate/water level rising which seems like one of the most apparent and pressing things happening that we’re collectively ignoring.

no doz Drink water everybody i aint kidding


Phuture: What do you do when you are dry on inspiration?

FLY: Desert camping/Psilocybin always does the trick

no doz: Pull up my macbook, smoke a lil weed and just stay up all night making beats for hours on end.


Phuture: Name 5 artists who are going to take over 2019!

FLY: dam, impossible to choose but a few that come to mind –  Bonnema, Rome in Silver, Lost Dogz, aedfx, Rohaan, Cozway

no doz:  Vide, Abelation, Sumthin Sumthin, Carlo Frick, Quiet Bison


Phuture: Anything else you want to mention before we part ways for now?

FLY: ??

no doz: a few collabs coming very soon o.o


Explore more of FLY below:


Discover more no doz here :

Check out Phuture Collective here:


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